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Our 2019-20 session begins September 5, 2019 and meets the first and third Thursday of every month through May from 9:30am-11:30am.  We understand the unique needs and challenges you face during those first important years of mothering.  We welcome everyone just as they are.  You will have a chance to socialize with other mothers, make new friends, hear some great speakers, eat good food, have discussions and participate in creative activities.  We also organize playdates and moms night out throughout the year.  To learn more about our group, please contact us!




During our meetings, children from infancy to Kindergarten will be cared for in a program called MOPS Kids.  This is similar to a preschool style setting.  Your children will be given a snack, changed when necessary, and older children will use a Christian curriculum.  All of your childcare providers have a personal relationship with Christ and have undergone background checks.  Check-ins begin at 9:15am, so you will have a chance to settle your kids before the sessions starts.


If you are a MOMSnext mom of school-aged children (1st-12th grade), please contact us for more information on childcare.



Please contact us and we will be happy to help!


MOPS International encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.


With our recent incorporation of MOMSnext, Tramway Community Church (TCC) MOPS/MOMSnext is about meeting the needs of every mother of a child, from infancy through early childhood.  


Whether you are urban, suburban, rural, stay at home, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, MOPS/MOMSnext is for you!  You'll be welcomed, accepted, inspired to reach your full potential and recognize your influence within your family and the world.




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